A well-crafted Twitch overlay is crucial to grow your channel and to show off your professional brand.

While the streaming business grows, the pressure to succeed gets more intense while the competition is fierce.

Imagine you are browsing Twitch.tv looking for a new streamer to watch.

You pick a game you like and then a channel with a promising topic, then you enter full screen and lean back.

What makes you stick to this streamer and remember them the next time? It’s important to know the streamer’s name.

As a streamer and a brand, you have a short amount of time to communicate your vision to your potential audience.

The Adventory Twitch Overlay Guide

What is a Twitch overlay?

An overlay is a crucial tool to tell viewers what’s going on during the broadcast. It can be graphics and images with text that frames your viewport while broadcasting.

Are you having a giveaway later during the day? This is where you can show the countdown timer to hype up the crowd.

Finally, it’s the perfect venue to show gratitude towards your fans. Donations and subscriptions may be shown within the graphics of the overlay, giving more incentives to engage the audience.

What is a Twitch overlay template?

This is the easiest way to get an overlay for your stream. Just download an image to your computer and edit it with your image editor of choice.

The downside is that there are going to be a few out there with the same basic overlay as you. These overlays are also hard to animate.

Streamers have upgraded their game in recent years, and it might be recommended to go for the modern, animated ones over a simple template.

Overlays for twitch and other streaming services are images imported into your streaming program of choice, namely OBS.

These images will then interact with your visual graphics on the stream. Showing off donations and subscriptions next to its headline.

Why are overlays important on Twitch?

These online tools are remarkably simple to use. You choose from a few templates and insert your channel-specific information.

After the tools work its magic customers may pay a fee, or just download the result. The stream overlay is now ready to be added to the streaming software of choice. 

This is done a little differently depending on if you use OBS or Xsplit however, but it should be easy enough. This procedure is like the stream overlay template method mentioned above.

However, it’s completely done in a tool inside your browser, eliminating the need for image editing software installed on your computer.

How to get the best streaming overlay

There are a few separate ways to get hold of the perfect twitch overlay. Some solutions are free, while other more premium ones come with a cost.
If you want to be utterly unique spending some extra cash on a custom stream overlay can really set your brand apart from the competition.
If you are just starting the streaming career – and you are not sure how to put your overlay together – a free stream overlay may be a good start.

There is less risk attached to this approach, but chances are the design won’t be unique.

What are Custom Twitch Overlay Templates?

Artists and graphic designers can make unique stream overlays. This is the way to go when you want to be serious about the streaming career.
If you decide to commission an artist, you need to be ready to work together to end up with the best possible result.

Some artists may be looking for marketing opportunities and give you a good deal on the custom stream overlay, given that you promote their name with your brand.

This is something that requires a decent audience and some effort in building relationships with skilled graphic designers.

How To Find the Best Twitch Overlay?

We have noticed some brand-new overlay streaming software providing built-in stream tools. This tool makes adding graphics and extended functionality super easy.

We don’t expect these software apps to kill OBS and Xsplit soon, but it is certainly a wonderful way for newer streamers to get started.

This is the direction we see streaming apps head in. It just makes so much sense to have all the tools necessary for the streaming career to take off inside the software itself.

This is a collection of stream overlay examples we have collected from streamers we like.

The Adventory Twitch Overlay Toplist

1. Bebo by Twitch.tv

The new kid on the block. Bebo promises improved functionality over traditional streaming apps like OBS and XSplit.

In addition, they promise superior video quality thanks to cloud computing for video encoding.

Bebo was recently acquired by Twitch themselves and is no used as the core to Twitch’s own broadcasting software.

2. Streamlabs by Logitech

This is a version of the extremely popular streaming software called OBS.

The team at Streamlabs is working hard to provide tools for all aspects of game streaming.

Streamlabs was recently purchased by Logitech to bolster their ventures into content creation and streaming.

We are intrigued to see what the future holds for content creators and the tools we use.

3. Zerging.net overlays

It is free to get started on Zerging.net. Independent made by BulTV. Partnered with Owned3D.tv for premium overlays.

Possible to donate to the creator to support his work and support his work using his affiliate links.

Some designs are game-focused, one that stands out is the one for Path of Exile.

This may be a wonderful way to start up your stream and supporting a fellow creator in the process.

4. TwitchOverlay.com

Our next entry has a huge focus on free overlays with an emphasis on his own work on the front page. There are of course also premium packages with an even larger selection of twitch overlays.

TwitchOverlay was founded all the way back in 2014 and we can appreciate the social proof from all the twitter testimonials.

Earlier work is highlighted in a comprehensive portfolio section. The overlays and designs are made completely from scratch and the style of choice is professional yet minimal.

We believe there is a single person in charge of the designs. And compared to other agencies the price is competitive.

We also like the fact that the owner has shared a few tutorials on how to set up and brand your stream giving everyone visitor added value.

5. Nerd or Die Twitch overlays

Nerd or Die provides designs for creators and streamers. The packages come in the form of premium overlays, alerts, and widgets. In addition, they have an extensive tutorial section on how to brand your stream.

Their advanced overlay maker for Streamlabs OBS available to subscribers in the form of a Windows 10 app. One of the well-established players on the market celebrating 5 years.

They also offer free streaming overlay designs to get you started, and they work in all major streaming apps. Nerd or Die is one of the up-and-coming players in the space and well worth keeping an eye on.

6. Twitch Designs overlay

Focus on games with specific overlays themed after the game styles. Graphics offered to make for a complete stream branding package and the cost is around 6-10 dollars for a bundle.

Twitch Designs has an interesting and elaborate sales pitch, and we like the fact that there is an option with all designs created in-house.

7. Ovrstream overlays for Twitch

Ovrstream is an automated motion graphics app for streamers. Pick from a selection of templates and customize them to fit your needs.

The app also comes with a 60-day trial and after that, the cost is 4.99/month. There is heavy focus on 3D animated graphics.

Start with one of the designs from within the app and make it fit your current branding using the tools provided.

Setup everything in the app and connect to OBS, Xsplit, or Gameshow.

8. Visuals by Impulse – Elgato Gaming

Premade designs as well a custom branding made from scratch. The custom design portfolio includes work from Nadeshot’s streaming package along with Hogman.

You can follow Visuals by Impulse when they are designing their work on Twitch which makes sense. They have a selection of free twitch overlays to get everyone started.

VBI is also an artist portal where a curated group of designers can sell their designs using the Visuals by Impulse platform. This is an effortless way for artists and designers to get started and selling their work without having to run their own eCommerce store.

There is also a way for customers to license specific overlays and more to fully embrace the work into their branding.

9. Player.me Twitch overlay

Live streaming and recording application for Windows 10. Unique in-game HUD for setting up your complete branding. Twitch overlays work with OBS, Xsplit, and Lightstream.

Players.me is also a community for creative gamers wanting to connect and browse each other gaming profiles.

Overlay settings are managed from the dedicated dashboard. Supports Facebook, Twitch, Mixer, and Youtube.

We find it interesting with inexperienced players trying to compete with established solutions like OBS, the social features are what sets Player.me apart.

The Adventory conclusion

Having a well-designed overlay for your stream is no longer a luxury for the biggest streamers.

With all these sources and designs available everyone who considers streaming on Twitch need one.

There should be a Twitch overlay template for everyone.

And if you can’t find anything that suits your branding there are plenty design agencies and freelancers to contact.

A well-made stream overlay is a huge part of marketing and making it stand out from the crowd.

This is one of the best ways to show off your logo and communicate current information with your audience.

What’s your strategy to make your stream stand out?


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